India Post Enrollment 2022: The division has welcomed applications for the gig on the post of Multi Skin Entrusting Staff, Mailman, Postal Aide and Arranging Colleague. Mailing station has directed this enlistment for Gujarat Postal Circle. The application interaction for this enlistment has been begun.
India Post Division has welcomed applications for enrollment to the posts of Multi Skin Entrusting Staff, Mailman, Postal Aide and Arranging Colleague. Division of Posts has led this enrollment for Gujarat Postal Circle. The application cycle for this enlistment has been begun. Competitors can apply till 22 November. As per the notification, this enrollment in Gujarat Postal Circle is being finished under Sports Share.
Additionally up-and-comers can apply online by visiting the authority site As per the notification, the postal division will set up the rundown of shortlisted competitors and declare it on December 6. Postal Circles in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Assam might distribute notice for this enlistment.
India Post Recruitment 2022: Posts
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant- 71
Postman- 56
Salary for India Post Recruitment 2022:
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant- Rs 25,500 to Rs 81,110
Postman - Rs 21,700 to Rs 69,100
MTS - Rs.18,000-56,900
India Post Recruitment 2022: Qualification
Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant – 12th pass. Also completed 60 days computer certificate course.
Postman/Mail Guard- 12th pass with knowledge of local language. Computer certificate course of at least 60 days is required.
Must be MTS-10th pass and should have knowledge of local language.
How to Apply for Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2022?
Firstly open the official website i.e.
Click on Careers / Recruitment section.
Find “Gujarat Postal Circle Sports Quota” notification.
Fill the online form.
Pay the Pay Application Fees if required.
After complete verification click on submit button.
Save and take a print out for future use.
Important Link
Official Notification : Click here

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