Drumstick Moringa Saragvo tree is a money printing machine !

New Jobs India

India is the largest producer and supplier of silk globally. It is also in high demand in the international market. Apart from sorghum pods, its leaf powder, seeds, oil and other products are also very useful. So its demand is increasing day by day.

Drumstick Moringa Saragvo tree is a money printing machine !

If you are looking for a crop that can be harvested within 12 months after the investment once in cultivation, perennial sorghum is a better option for you. India is the largest producer and supplier of silk globally. It is also in high demand in the international market. Its cultivation can prove to be a very profitable business.

Drumstick Moringa Saragvo tree earning benefits

The best thing about Drumstick Moringa (Saragvo) is that apart from vegetables, its leaf powder, seed oil and other products are also widely sold. Due to the increasing demand day by day the possibilities for its export are endless. In such a situation, any farmer can change his future by cultivating sorghum in just one year.

Drumstick Moringa Saragvo tree is a money printing machine !

Some farmers of West Champaran district have shared their experience on the economic benefits of Drumstick Moringa (Saragvo) cultivation. He says that a special variety of Sargawa, PKM-1, has been producing for farmers throughout the year. So it must be cultivated.

Parshuram Singh, a farmer of Rulahi village in Majaulia district, has successfully cultivated the perennial Drumstick Moringa (Saragvo) . He has planted about 1000 Sargana saplings in the nursery strip spread over 2 hectares. From the first year of planting, each plant starts producing 15 kg of sorghum in the first season. The good thing is that you can take it in both the seasons of the year.

Drumstick Moringa Saragvo tree is a money printing machine !

A saffron plant produces up to 30 kg of saffron pods in a year. Parasuram says that the retail price of sarga in the market is around Rs 100. Shopkeepers buy it from farmers' houses at Rs 50 to 60 per kg. If you plant 1000 sorghum plants, you will get about 30 thousand kg of sorghum in a year.

Drumstick Moringa Saragvo tree is a money printing machine !

If you sell Drumstick Moringa (Saragvo) pods even for 50 rupees, you can earn up to 15 lakh rupees in a year. The price of one plant of this special type of Sargava is 35 rupees. Its maintenance costs Rs 200 per year. The annual cost of maintaining 1000 plants including the cost of plants is around 2 lakh 35 thousand rupees.

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